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  2. NN Arquitetos Associados

NN Arquitetos Associados: The Latest Architecture and News

Rebuilt Travel Agency Receives a More Fluid and Dynamic Space

Rebuilt Travel Agency Receives a More Fluid and Dynamic Space - Image 4 of 4
© Rafael Shcmidt

This article is part of our series "Material Focus", where we ask architects to share with us their creative process through the choice of materials that define important parts of the construction of their buildings.

From the demolition of the existing building to the making of a new one better suited to the travel agency’s requirements of more open space, the new project also needed to leave the remaining neighboring building intact. The solution they went with was to create a new structure away from the wall, stripped to let the bricks show, and within that underlying area create a space with vertical circulation, natural lighting, gardens, and service areas like a kitchenette, restrooms, and a technical shaft. We spoke with architect Baldomero Navarro Gomes from NN Arquitetos Associados to learn more about his choices on materials and the determining role they played in his design concept.