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  2. Niop Hacienda

Niop Hacienda: The Latest Architecture and News

Material Focus: Hacienda Niop by AS Arquitectua and R79

This article is part of our new series "Material in Focus", where we ask architects to share with us their creative process through the choice of materials that define important parts of the construction of their buildings.

Niop Hacienda from AS Arquitectura and R79 is part architectural regeneration project part historical building involving the transformation of an abandoned industrial space into high-end tourist complex in the southeast region of Mexico. A desire to maintain the original feel of the place influenced the selection of the new materials (like steel, stone, chukum, wood and glass) in order to create new spaces for public and private use that meld with the existing structure. In this interview, we talked with Roberto Ramirez from R79 who explains more about how the material choice of the project contributed to the design and construction process.

Material Focus: Hacienda Niop by AS Arquitectua and R79  - Image 1 of 4Material Focus: Hacienda Niop by AS Arquitectua and R79  - Image 2 of 4Material Focus: Hacienda Niop by AS Arquitectua and R79  - Image 3 of 4Material Focus: Hacienda Niop by AS Arquitectua and R79  - Image 4 of 4Material Focus: Hacienda Niop by AS Arquitectua and R79  - More Images+ 13