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Next Office: The Latest Architecture and News

Working with Contradictions: In Conversation with Alireza Taghaboni

In this interview by Parametric Architecture, NEXT Office's founder, Iranian architect Alireza Taghaboni, talks about his approach to design, describing how he reinterprets the principles of traditional Iranian architecture and translates the cultural and climatic context into his work. The interview covers the conceptual thinking behind several projects, as the architect discusses dichotomies such as mass-void, introversion-extroversion as being the recurrent themes of his designs.

A Town within a Town for Sadra's Civic Center

The recently-formed town of Sadra, Iran, is gradually evolving into a mega-city as a result of its geographical location and architectural potential. To improve the cultural standards of the town, several cultural centers were constructed, transforming the area into a major hub for people of all ages.

Keeping in mind that a newly-built town requires an adaptable space for potential expansions, NextOffice - Alireza Taghaboni architecture studio created the “Sadra Civic Center”, a town within a town built from its surrounding urban elements.

A Town within a Town for Sadra's Civic Center  - Image 1 of 4A Town within a Town for Sadra's Civic Center  - Image 2 of 4A Town within a Town for Sadra's Civic Center  - Image 3 of 4A Town within a Town for Sadra's Civic Center  - Image 10 of 4A Town within a Town for Sadra's Civic Center  - More Images+ 18