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  2. New York Port Authority

New York Port Authority: The Latest Architecture and News

Elevated Park Planned for World Trade Center

The World Trade Center’s “best-kept secret” has been revealed. As reported by the New York Times, the Port Authority released details on what will be “Liberty Park,” an acre-sized, elevated park lifted 25 feet above Liberty Street on the WTC site. Planned for completion in 2015, the $50 million landscaped terrace will connect the financial district with Battery Park City, while providing a panoramic view of the National September 11 Memorial and serving as a forecourt for the new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. More information on Liberty Park can be found here.

Calatrava Reveals Design for Church on 9/11 Memorial Site

The site of 9/11 has seen significant change in the last decade, from the addition of David Childs’s redesign of the One World Trade Center to Santiago Calatrava’s PATH station. It looks like the site’s transformation is set to continue - Calatrava recently revealed images of the new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, to be rebuilt across Liberty Street from Handel Architects’ September 11 Memorial. The images, showing a distinctly Orthodox Christian design, have already begun to attract criticism in the debate over placing religious institutions around the World Trade Center.

Calatrava Reveals Design for Church on 9/11 Memorial Site - Image 1 of 4Calatrava Reveals Design for Church on 9/11 Memorial Site - Image 2 of 4Calatrava Reveals Design for Church on 9/11 Memorial Site - Image 3 of 4Calatrava Reveals Design for Church on 9/11 Memorial Site - Image 4 of 4Calatrava Reveals Design for Church on 9/11 Memorial Site - More Images+ 5