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!ndie Architecture: The Latest Architecture and News

Catamount House / !ndie Architecture

Catamount House / !ndie Architecture - Image 1 of 4

This house is a contemporary version of an Earthship, an ecologically benign house type popularized in the 1970s by Mike Reynolds, founder of Earthship Biotecture. This version is similarly set into the earth, cut into a hillside facing Pike’s Peak. Because of its rural location, it relies on PVs and solar thermal energy for electricity and heat. It also has a shallow plan, south facing windows, and a finished concrete floor to maximize passive solar gains during winter months.

Architects: !ndie Architecture Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Hydrogen House / !ndie Architecture

Hydrogen House / !ndie Architecture - Image 17 of 4

Hydrogen House is a series of house prototypes and suburban planning strategies for the Hilltop neighborhood in Denver, Colorado. Advocating a shift from a corporate fuel economy to a grassroots one, the project uses hydrogen fuel cells to link the design of domestic environments to ambitions for suburban development. Follow the break for more drawings of Hydrogen House.

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Architects: !ndie Architecture Location: Denver, Colorado, USA