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Napur Architect: The Latest Architecture and News

International Architecture Awards 2023 Announces Winners in Chicago, Illinois

For the 18th year, the International Architecture Awards has returned to celebrate outstanding architectural achievements globally. Based in Chicago, these awards feature exceptional new buildings, urban planning projects, and landscape architecture of 2023. Additionally, this month, the Chicago Architecture Biennial (CAB 5) is currently taking place in the city. Both the awards and the Biennial attempt to shed light on each country’s architectural, design, cultural, and social trends.

Since the inception of the International Architecture Awards in 2005, this annual program has served as a platform for celebrating contemporary architecture. Moreover, the awards institution believes in architecture’s potential to enhance the quality of life for individuals globally. This year, the selected winners span 48 countries, from Ethiopia to Tokyo and New York to Nova Scotia.

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The Pavilion of Hungary Explores Historical Ethnography at Venice Architecture Biennale 2023

At this year’s Venice Architecture Biennale 2023, the Hungarian Pavilion focuses on a new museum building in Budapest, the Museum of Ethnography. The Museum was designed by Marcel Ferencz (Napur Architect) and completed in 2022 as one of Europe’s most notable cultural and urban development programs, the Liget Budapest Project. The exhibition in Venice, titled "Reziduum – The Frequency of Architecture" and curated by Mária Kondor-Szilágyi, will present the museum's collection through the digital medium. A short animated film titled Ethnozoom and an interactive computer program, the MotifCreator, will allow visitors to become familiar with Hungarian traditions and create their own motif compositions, thus contributing to worldwide community creation. The Hungarian Pavilion will showcase works by architect Marcel Ferencz, architect and composer Péter Mátrai, architect Judit Z. Halmágyi and light designer Ferenc Haász.

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Museum of Ethnography Budapest / NAPUR Architect

Museum of Ethnography Budapest / NAPUR Architect - Exterior Photography, Museum, Garden, FacadeMuseum of Ethnography Budapest / NAPUR Architect - Exterior Photography, Museum, GardenMuseum of Ethnography Budapest / NAPUR Architect - Exterior Photography, Museum, Garden, Facade, CityscapeMuseum of Ethnography Budapest / NAPUR Architect - Exterior Photography, Museum, Garden, Facade, CityscapeMuseum of Ethnography Budapest / NAPUR Architect - More Images+ 32

Budapest, Hungary

Museum of Ethnography / NAPUR Architect

Napur Architect has won the competition to design a new building for the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest. On a site bordering Ötvenhatosok Square and adjacent to City Park, the building is one part of the Liget Budapest Project, aimed at renewing the civic space of the area with renovations to existing structures, rejuvenation of green spaces, and institutional additions. Besides the Ethnography Museum, City Park will be home to the House of Hungarian Music designed by Sou Fujimoto and a New National Gallery designed by SANAA.

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