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Naples: The Latest Architecture and News

Zaha Hadid Architects Unveils Napoli Porta Est Masterplan to Revitalize Eastern Naples in Italy

Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) has been announced as the winner of the international design competition for the Napoli Porta Est masterplan, a large-scale urban regeneration project in Naples, Italy. The project, which includes the new Campania Region headquarters, aims to reconnect fragmented urban areas and revitalize a district that has long been considered isolated and unsafe due to inadequate public spaces and physical barriers.

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New Images Reveal EMBT's Timber Central Station in Naples

Barcelona-based Miralles Tagliabue - EMBT under the direction of Benedetta Tagliabue, has completed its construction of the Centro Direzionale di Napoli train station and subway, an underground central station that combines the city's natural volcanic geography with the site's 1970's-built master plan designed by Kenzo Tange. The design focuses on art, architecture, and archaeology, also known as the "Triple A", giving the site a highly recognizable identity that contrasts its surroundings and historical context.

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Edit Napoli, First Onsite Fair for 2020 in Italy, Highlights Independent Designers and Territoriality

The second edition of EDIT Napoli, dedicated to independent designers, ran from 16 to 18 October 2020, in Naples, Italy. The first onsite fair of the country during this pandemic era was created by curators Domitilla Dardi, design curator of the MAXXI museum in Rome, Architecture sector, and Emilia Petruccelli, buyer and entrepreneur, in collaboration with the Assessorato alla Cultura e al Turismo del Comune di Napoli.

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Montesanto Station Refurbishment / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture

Montesanto Station Refurbishment / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - Refurbishment, FacadeMontesanto Station Refurbishment / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - Refurbishment, Beam, BenchMontesanto Station Refurbishment / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - Refurbishment, FacadeMontesanto Station Refurbishment / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - Refurbishment, Stairs, HandrailMontesanto Station Refurbishment / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - More Images+ 27

Naples Botanical Garden Visitor Center / Lake|Flato Architects

Naples Botanical Garden Visitor Center / Lake|Flato Architects - Sustainability, Garden, Beam, Facade, Door, Handrail, ForestNaples Botanical Garden Visitor Center / Lake|Flato Architects - Sustainability, Door, Table, Chair, LightingNaples Botanical Garden Visitor Center / Lake|Flato Architects - Sustainability, Deck, Beam, Facade, Arch, BenchNaples Botanical Garden Visitor Center / Lake|Flato Architects - Sustainability, Garden, Beam, ForestNaples Botanical Garden Visitor Center / Lake|Flato Architects - More Images+ 6

Piazza Garibaldi / Dominique Perrault Architecture

Piazza Garibaldi / Dominique Perrault Architecture -           Transportation Hub, Beam, HandrailPiazza Garibaldi / Dominique Perrault Architecture -           Transportation Hub, Facade, BeamPiazza Garibaldi / Dominique Perrault Architecture -           Transportation Hub, Stairs, BeamPiazza Garibaldi / Dominique Perrault Architecture -           Transportation Hub, Beam, FacadePiazza Garibaldi / Dominique Perrault Architecture - More Images+ 27

Bagnoli Futura / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture

Bagnoli Futura / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - Cultural Center, Facade, ArchBagnoli Futura / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - Cultural Center, Stairs, Handrail, BeamBagnoli Futura / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - Cultural Center, FacadeBagnoli Futura / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - Cultural Center, Facade, StairsBagnoli Futura / Silvio d’Ascia Architecture - More Images+ 15

Naples Event: An Architectural and Political Response to the Crisis

Naples Event: An Architectural and Political Response to the Crisis - Featured Image

In the context of the ongoing financial crisis, cities and citizens are going through profound and as yet uncharted transformations. Tomorrow in Naples, Italy, UN-Habitat’s World Urban Forum will bring together mayors, international organizations, governments and civil- society organizations to discuss the Urban Future.

This debate aims to blur the boundaries between designers and politicians; researchers and eco- nomists, to highlight new policies and practices which do not require funding from strained public coffers. Can new forms of city development be thought about without the contribution of private enterprise? Can the political and design worlds find “Common ground” in the face of urban decay and austerity? How can policy making and urban planning come together to bring about appropriate norms for improving urbanites’ lives? This will be one of the focus areas for the ANMA Architects’ new foundation ANMA-F.

Office Building and Logistic Center / modostudio

Office Building and Logistic Center / modostudio - Office Buildings, FacadeOffice Building and Logistic Center / modostudio - Office BuildingsOffice Building and Logistic Center / modostudio - Office Buildings, Stairs, Facade, HandrailOffice Building and Logistic Center / modostudio - Office Buildings, Door, FacadeOffice Building and Logistic Center / modostudio - More Images+ 22

  • Architects: modostudio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  13760
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011

AD Classics: Neugebauer House / Richard Meier & Partners

AD Classics: Neugebauer House / Richard Meier & Partners - Housing, Facade, Column, Beam, ChairAD Classics: Neugebauer House / Richard Meier & Partners - Housing, Facade, DoorAD Classics: Neugebauer House / Richard Meier & Partners - Housing, Facade, Column, ArchAD Classics: Neugebauer House / Richard Meier & Partners - More Images+ 4

  • Architects: Richard Meier & Partners
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  1998