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Nacka Port: The Latest Architecture and News

Kjellander Sjöberg Wins Competition For a New Sustainable Landmark in Sweden

Kjellander Sjöberg Architects have won the competition for Nacka Port, a new sustainable and dynamic urban block. The award-winning architecture firm, which is one of the leading architectural offices in Scandinavia will build the project in an area between Nacka and Stockholm, Sweden.

Out of the three architecture offices who were invited to compete, the latter being held in discourse with the Nacka Municipality and Architects Sweden, Kjellander Sjöberg’s proposal contributes to a “vibrant urban context with an inviting and varied program."

Kjellander Sjöberg Wins Competition For a New Sustainable Landmark in Sweden - SustainabilityKjellander Sjöberg Wins Competition For a New Sustainable Landmark in Sweden - SustainabilityKjellander Sjöberg Wins Competition For a New Sustainable Landmark in Sweden - SustainabilityKjellander Sjöberg Wins Competition For a New Sustainable Landmark in Sweden - SustainabilityKjellander Sjöberg Wins Competition For a New Sustainable Landmark in Sweden - More Images+ 7