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My ArchDaily: The Latest Architecture and News

The 15 Most Popular Architectural Materials & Products of 2017

What are the best construction materials and products on the market? Which are the most popular? Thanks to the activities of our readers, we're beginning to find some answers to these questions. Combining the use of two ArchDaily tools, many of our readers have saved their favorite architectural materials and products—directly from our catalog—into their personalized My ArchDaily folders.

We have investigated the data from the first 6 months of 2017 to identify and share the most popular products from our catalog with you. What do these products have that make them so popular? Would you apply them on your next project?

World Photo Day 2017: Our Readers’ 100 Most-Bookmarked Architectural Photographs

This August 19th is World Photo Day, which celebrates photography on the anniversary of the day on which France bought the patent for the daguerreotype, one of the earliest photographic processes, and released it to the world for free in 1839. At ArchDaily, we understand the importance of photography in architecture—not only as a tool for recording designs, but also as a discipline that many of us enjoy. To celebrate the occasion, we decided to reveal the most popular images ever published on ArchDaily, as selected by you, our readers. Using data gathered from My ArchDaily, we have ranked the 100 most-saved images from our database; read on to see them.

Help Us Celebrate World Photo Day 2015 by Using My ArchDaily

World Photo Day, to be celebrated on August 19th, is fast approaching. Last year we celebrated the occasion with a day of posts dedicated to the photographers who make ArchDaily - and indeed the architecture industry as we know it - possible, and this year we'd like to do something equally special with the help of our ArchDaily readers.

Using data from our My ArchDaily platform, we want to find out which photos are most popular among our readers, and then learn more about these images from the photographers who took them. To do this, we will take a selection of the images that have been bookmarked the most and then reach out to their photographers, asking them to share the story of how each image came together. So make sure to cast your "vote" for your favorite architectural image by bookmarking it in My ArchDaily!

Don't know how to bookmark photos in My ArchDaily? Find out after the break!

My ArchDaily: How to Create Your Very Own Architecture Library

Dear ArchDaily Readers,

One of the most important pillars of our mission is to constantly improve the way that we deliver inspiration and knowledge to architects around the world. Over time, the tens of thousands of projects we have featured in-depth have grown to form a large "ArchDaily Iceberg" in which most of this invaluable architecture content accumulates below the surface. In our quest to make this information more accessible, and especially given our understanding of how we (architects) collect and organize case studies and references, we launched a modest tool in late 2010: My ArchDaily. This tool allowed you to bookmark and save your favorite projects and sort them in folders, two concepts that relate to how you use your browser and desktop.

My ArchDaily was also the authentication tool for voting in Building of the Year Award, and over the years this feature started to gain traction among our users--reaching more than 282,000 registered users as of today! But, My ArchDaily had taken a back seat to other development projects and wasn't updated until we launched our new platform a few days ago.

So now, we're happy to present the new-and-improved My ArchDaily! It was launched alongside other improvements that you may have noticed over the past few weeks. If you aren't using it already, we welcome you to start building your very own personalized architecture library and organize projects and articles using labels.

Whether you are researching specific precedents or just want to save a particularly inspiring project, My ArchDaily's seamless integration allows you to save information with one-simple click.