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Monrovia: The Latest Architecture and News

Abandoned Modernism in Liberia and Mozambique: The Afterlives of Luxury Hotels

The luxury hotel, as an architectural typology, is distinctive. In effect, it's a self-contained community, a building that immerses the well-off visitor into their local context. Self-contained communities they might be, but these hotels are also vessels of the wider socioeconomic character of a place, where luxury living is often next door to informal settlements in the most extreme examples of social inequality.

Abandoned Modernism in Liberia and Mozambique: The Afterlives of Luxury Hotels - Image 1 of 4Abandoned Modernism in Liberia and Mozambique: The Afterlives of Luxury Hotels - Image 2 of 4Abandoned Modernism in Liberia and Mozambique: The Afterlives of Luxury Hotels - Image 3 of 4Abandoned Modernism in Liberia and Mozambique: The Afterlives of Luxury Hotels - Image 4 of 4Abandoned Modernism in Liberia and Mozambique: The Afterlives of Luxury Hotels - More Images+ 9