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  2. Model Barcelona Architectures Festival 2023

Model Barcelona Architectures Festival 2023: The Latest Architecture and News

Permanently Temporary Pavilion / KOSMOS Architects + PARABASE

Permanently Temporary Pavilion / KOSMOS Architects + PARABASE - Exterior Photography, Educational Architecture, FacadePermanently Temporary Pavilion / KOSMOS Architects + PARABASE - Exterior Photography, Educational Architecture, FacadePermanently Temporary Pavilion / KOSMOS Architects + PARABASE - Exterior Photography, Educational ArchitecturePermanently Temporary Pavilion / KOSMOS Architects + PARABASE - Exterior Photography, Educational Architecture, FacadePermanently Temporary Pavilion / KOSMOS Architects + PARABASE - More Images+ 13

Model 2023: Barcelona Architecture Festival Opens with 5 Ephemeral Installations

From April 20 to 30, the second edition of the Model: Festival d'Arquitectures de Barcelona took place, debuting a new theme, Radical Empathy, and a new location, the surroundings of the new Parque de las Glorias. This year, managed by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, the event turned the city into a laboratory of experimentation and dissemination of architectural and urban thought, providing an opportunity to rethink new models and new imaginations of the city.

During the 10 days of the festival, 5 temporary installations were presented as a tool to build a more sustainable, fraternal, and fair city. Among the proposals, we could find a breastfeeding area designed by Equal Saree, the roof of a parking lot transformed into a mushroom structure by Harrison Atelier, and a surface that provides information about the benefits and disadvantages of the city's air created by Daryan Knoblauch, among others. At the same time, a series of 4 digital architectures and augmented realities were added, incorporating new experiences and technologies.