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Architecture in Mexico: Emblematic Houses of Valle de Bravo

Architecture in Mexico: Emblematic Houses of Valle de Bravo - Image 1 of 4Architecture in Mexico: Emblematic Houses of Valle de Bravo - Image 2 of 4Architecture in Mexico: Emblematic Houses of Valle de Bravo - Image 3 of 4Architecture in Mexico: Emblematic Houses of Valle de Bravo - Image 4 of 4Architecture in Mexico: Emblematic Houses of Valle de Bravo - More Images+ 26

Mexico's Valle de Bravo region, to the southeast of Mexico City, is characterized by the Presa Miguel Alemán lake, created in 1947 as a reservoir for Mexico City and Toluca's water supply. Thanks to its proximity to the capital, Valle de Bravo is a popular weekend destination for residents of surrounding cities. This in turn has sparked the interest of various architects, who have aimed to create projects that enhance visitors' experience such as offering an optimal view of the lake, or an immersive experience in the surrounding forest. 

Mexican Architects Present 'Designing Mexico. Architecture: Need and Freedom' in Italy

Mexican Architects Present 'Designing Mexico. Architecture: Need and Freedom' in Italy - Image 1 of 4Mexican Architects Present 'Designing Mexico. Architecture: Need and Freedom' in Italy - Image 2 of 4Mexican Architects Present 'Designing Mexico. Architecture: Need and Freedom' in Italy - Image 3 of 4Mexican Architects Present 'Designing Mexico. Architecture: Need and Freedom' in Italy - Image 4 of 4Mexican Architects Present 'Designing Mexico. Architecture: Need and Freedom' in Italy - More Images+ 6

The presence of Mexican architecture on the global scene is increasingly evident and strengthened by the ambassador architects who constantly represent Mexico in international events and exhibitions. Within these samples, you are able to see a constant concern to show contemporary values that denote a sense of responsibility, reinventing their own identity with the urgency of addressing current challenges.

30 Years After Luis Barragán: 30 Architects Share Their Favorite Works

30 Years After Luis Barragán: 30 Architects Share Their Favorite Works - Image 1 of 430 Years After Luis Barragán: 30 Architects Share Their Favorite Works - Image 2 of 430 Years After Luis Barragán: 30 Architects Share Their Favorite Works - Image 3 of 430 Years After Luis Barragán: 30 Architects Share Their Favorite Works - Image 4 of 430 Years After Luis Barragán: 30 Architects Share Their Favorite Works - More Images+ 11

On November 22, 1988, one of the most important and revered figures in the history of Mexican and international architecture died in Mexico City. Luis Barragán Morfín, born in Guadalajara and trained as a civil engineer left behind an extensive legacy of published works, conferences, buildings, houses, and gardens that remain relevant to this day. While Barragán was known for his far-reaching research in customs and traditions, above all, the architect spent his life in contemplation. His sensitivity to the world and continued effort to rewrite the mundane has made him a lasting figure in Mexico, and the world.

Undoubtedly, Luis Barragán's legacy represents something so complex and timeless that it continues to inspire and surprise architects across generations. It is because of this that, 30 years after his death, we've compiled this series of testimonies from some of Mexico's most prominent contemporary architects, allowing them to reflect on their favorites of Barragan's works and share just how his work has impacted and inspired theirs.