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Miramar: The Latest Architecture and News

FBI South Florida Headquarters / Krueck + Sexton Architects

FBI South Florida Headquarters / Krueck + Sexton Architects - Interior Photography, Institutional Buildings, Stairs, FacadeFBI South Florida Headquarters / Krueck + Sexton Architects - Exterior Photography, Institutional Buildings, FacadeFBI South Florida Headquarters / Krueck + Sexton Architects - Institutional BuildingsFBI South Florida Headquarters / Krueck + Sexton Architects - Institutional BuildingsFBI South Florida Headquarters / Krueck + Sexton Architects - More Images+ 16

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  375000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2015
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  FabriTRAK®, Bega, Pentair, Sherwin-Williams, Zurn, +78

House in Miramar / e|348 Arquitectura

House in Miramar / e|348 Arquitectura - Houses, FacadeHouse in Miramar / e|348 Arquitectura - Houses, Stairs, Handrail, BeamHouse in Miramar / e|348 Arquitectura - Houses, Stairs, Facade, Handrail, LightingHouse in Miramar / e|348 Arquitectura - Houses, FacadeHouse in Miramar / e|348 Arquitectura - More Images+ 40

Miramar, Portugal
  • Architects: e|348 Arquitectura
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2013
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  275

Federal Office Building / Krueck+Sexton Architects

Federal Office Building / Krueck+Sexton Architects - Image 1 of 4
Courtesy of Krueck+Sexton Architects

Krueck + Sexton Architects have been selected by the GSA Design Excellence Program for the firm’s design of the Federal Office Building in Miramar, Florida just outside of Miami. The 375,000 square foot building is designed with three goals in mind: reduce energy, resources and consumption, incorporate high performance buildings materials and systems and harvest renewable energy sources available on the site. Currently out to bid, the project is scheduled for completion in mid-2014.

Read on for more after the break.