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Mikhail Posokhin: The Latest Architecture and News

VTB Arena: Russia's Main Stage for the 2018 FIFA World Cup / Erick van Egeraat & Mikhail Posokhin

VTB Arena: Russia's Main Stage for the 2018 FIFA World Cup / Erick van Egeraat & Mikhail Posokhin - Image 5 of 4
Courtesy of Erick van Egeraat & Mikhail Posokhin

Today, FIFA announced their selection of nations for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup™ host at the Zurich Exhibition where it was decided that in 2018, Russia will be hosting the FIFA World Cup™. Designed by Erick van Egeraat and Russian partner Mikhail Posokhin, architects of Moscow’s new VTB Arena are thrilled to hear of this decision. “What wonderful news! What a start for this new Russian masterpiece to be the center of the 2018 FIFA World Cup™!” says architect-director Erick van Egeraat when presented with this latest news. More images and architect’s description after the break.