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Competition-Winning Design Proposes Wood Housing Addition to Fourth-Century Aqueduct in Istanbul

Sinan Günay and Nurhayat Oz of Superspace have won second prize in the MetsäWood competition, The City Above the City, which called for architects to design wooden extensions to city centers. With their project, Colliding Lines and Lives, the team designed a series wooden housing modules to be appended to a fourth-century Roman aqueduct archway in Istanbul.

Built by the Roman emperor Valens, the archway was an important water supply for the Romans and Ottomans but later lost its significance and functionality with technological and infrastructural advancements, leaving it an unutilized landmark in the city.

Competition-Winning Design Proposes Wood Housing Addition to Fourth-Century Aqueduct  in Istanbul - Image 1 of 4Competition-Winning Design Proposes Wood Housing Addition to Fourth-Century Aqueduct  in Istanbul - Image 2 of 4Competition-Winning Design Proposes Wood Housing Addition to Fourth-Century Aqueduct  in Istanbul - Image 3 of 4Competition-Winning Design Proposes Wood Housing Addition to Fourth-Century Aqueduct  in Istanbul - Image 4 of 4Competition-Winning Design Proposes Wood Housing Addition to Fourth-Century Aqueduct  in Istanbul - More Images+ 3