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MAU Architecture: The Latest Architecture and News

MAU Architecture Plans an Urban and Landscape Regeneration of Fier's City Center in Albania

In the nineteenth century, hundreds of artisans and shoppers would crowd around the Gjanica River in Fier, Albania on market day. Today, the river is nearly invisible, covered in some parts by overgrown greenery and at others obscured by tall buildings illegally constructed too close to the riverbank. A plan from Italian firm MAU Architecture termed “RI-GJANICA” reimagines Fier’s waterfront as the central element of their scheme for a new city center. Their project involves reopening connections between the urban core and the river through bike paths, pedestrian bridges, amphitheaters, and integrated mixed-use buildings.

MAU Architecture Plans an Urban and Landscape Regeneration of Fier's City Center in Albania - Image 4 of 4MAU Architecture Plans an Urban and Landscape Regeneration of Fier's City Center in Albania - Image 3 of 4MAU Architecture Plans an Urban and Landscape Regeneration of Fier's City Center in Albania - Image 2 of 4MAU Architecture Plans an Urban and Landscape Regeneration of Fier's City Center in Albania - Image 1 of 4MAU Architecture Plans an Urban and Landscape Regeneration of Fier's City Center in Albania - More Images+ 18