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maison h: The Latest Architecture and News

Tips for Design Studio Teaching in the Age of COVID-19

Since the recent COVID-19 quarantine restrictions were enforced, social media has been filled with images of employees working from home, students transitioning to home-school learning, and friends and family socializing via Skype calls and Zoom meetings. With the outpouring of tips for how to work from home, and how to keep a regular routine during these certain times, many people are questioning how to create a long term plan for online studio design instruction.

This article aims to provide some practical tips to schools and students around the globe based on our experience with online design studio teaching in our Master program at Tsinghua University’s School of Architecture since February.

BRIC Art Space / maison h

BRIC Art Space / maison h - RefurbishmentBRIC Art Space / maison h - Refurbishment, Facade, BeamBRIC Art Space / maison h - Refurbishment, FacadeBRIC Art Space / maison h - Refurbishment, BeamBRIC Art Space / maison h - More Images+ 40

Courtyard Renovation at the White Pagoda Temple / Tsinghua University School of Architecture + maison h

Courtyard Renovation at the White Pagoda Temple / Tsinghua University School of Architecture + maison h - Small Scale, Facade
© Martijn de Geus

Courtyard Renovation at the White Pagoda Temple / Tsinghua University School of Architecture + maison h - Small Scale, GardenCourtyard Renovation at the White Pagoda Temple / Tsinghua University School of Architecture + maison h - Small Scale, Courtyard, FacadeCourtyard Renovation at the White Pagoda Temple / Tsinghua University School of Architecture + maison h - Small Scale, FacadeCourtyard Renovation at the White Pagoda Temple / Tsinghua University School of Architecture + maison h - Small Scale, Stairs, Facade, HandrailCourtyard Renovation at the White Pagoda Temple / Tsinghua University School of Architecture + maison h - More Images+ 37