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M-Rad: The Latest Architecture and News

Architects as Developers Design Competition


Being a successful architect is very hard. While this is no secret to anyone who has lead a team or studied the profession; the less obvious thing is what to do about it.

Architects stereotypically lean on the purity of their ideas over their practicality and application. Schools rarely teach about business and firms are subject to the swings of both the client and the economy. These cracks in the business model of architecture are constantly debated but industry-wide action seems non-existent.

At DesignClass we've been asking ourselves; can architects responded to these challenges by developing their own projects?

DesignClass Launches with Matthew Rosenberg's Course on Leadership in Architecture

DesignClass has launched their first interactive class by M-Rad Architecture founder Matthew Rosenberg. The new class aims to teach leadership in architecture, real estate development, and business. The class will focus on design, real estate development, partnerships, hiring, and more. Rosenberg will look at how a business is integrated with the process of real estate development.

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M-Rad Proposes Live-Work Towers to Revitalize Downtown Las Vegas

The idea of mixed-use residential buildings is rapidly gaining popularity in urban America. The concept of being able to work within walking distance of where you live is both convenient and economical. Matthew Rosenberg, design director of M-Rad Studio, recognizes this, and has proposed a dramatic live/work design for the Downtown Project of Las Vegas, Nevada. Titled Inter-Act Residence, the building (or, potentially, series of buildings) would incorporate modular offices and apartments, strategically arranged for interaction between residents.