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LY Arkitekter: The Latest Architecture and News

Video: Knut Hamsun Center / Steven Holl

We recently found this video on Architecture Record’s website that features Steven Holl talking about his design for the Knut Hamsun Center. This design has been honored with many prestigious awards including the North Norwegian Architecture Prize and the 2011 Byggeskikkprisen.

Update: Knut Hamsun Center / Steven Holl Architects + LY Arkitekter

Update: Knut Hamsun Center / Steven Holl Architects +  LY Arkitekter - Image 1 of 4

Back in 2009 when Norway’s Kunt Hamsun Center was unveiled, the faceted volume topped with an a-typical vertical grass roof gained international attention for its reinterpretation of Nordic aesthetics complimented by Holl’s fascination with interior light quality. This year, Holl + Oslo-based LY Arkitekter, have been awarded the prestigious 2011 Byggeskikkprisen for their collaboration on the project; rising above over 90 submitted buildings. The prize, which is granted by the Norwegian government for outstanding architecture, was presented by Local Government and Regional Development Minister Liv Signe at the Norwegian Design and Architecture Center in Oslo. “The Hamsun Center is a piece of original architecture that is deeply moving on many levels and meets all of its functions in exceptionally exciting and unique ways,” said the jury. “It both provokes and delights through its strong, clear and non-traditional form, and it finds its natural place in the dramatic skyline of the northern landscape.”