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  2. Lucca

Lucca: The Latest Architecture and News

San Pellegrino Church Restoration and Outfitting of Plaster Deposits / MICROSCAPE architecture urban design AA

San Pellegrino Church Restoration and Outfitting of Plaster Deposits / MICROSCAPE architecture urban design AA - Restoration, Column, ArchSan Pellegrino Church Restoration and Outfitting of Plaster Deposits / MICROSCAPE architecture urban design AA - Restoration, Door, Beam, ArchSan Pellegrino Church Restoration and Outfitting of Plaster Deposits / MICROSCAPE architecture urban design AA - Restoration, Stairs, Facade, Column, Arch, Door, HandrailSan Pellegrino Church Restoration and Outfitting of Plaster Deposits / MICROSCAPE architecture urban design AA - Restoration, Door, Facade, Arch, ColumnSan Pellegrino Church Restoration and Outfitting of Plaster Deposits / MICROSCAPE architecture urban design AA - More Images+ 29

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  250
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Artemide, Epal, Marcegaglia, Zumtobel

Chapel Suite Albergo Villa Marta / O2 Studio

Chapel Suite Albergo Villa Marta / O2 Studio - Adaptive Reuse, Door, Facade, ArchChapel Suite Albergo Villa Marta / O2 Studio - Adaptive Reuse, Bathroom, Door, Arch, ShowerChapel Suite Albergo Villa Marta / O2 Studio - Adaptive Reuse, Arch, Facade, Arcade, Chair, BedChapel Suite Albergo Villa Marta / O2 Studio - Adaptive Reuse, Door, Arch, Column, ArcadeChapel Suite Albergo Villa Marta / O2 Studio - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: O2 Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  80
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Catellani & Smith, FontanaArte, Gentry-home, Nais!, Studio Italia Design - Lodes