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Liget Budepest: The Latest Architecture and News

The Pavilion of Hungary Explores Historical Ethnography at Venice Architecture Biennale 2023

At this year’s Venice Architecture Biennale 2023, the Hungarian Pavilion focuses on a new museum building in Budapest, the Museum of Ethnography. The Museum was designed by Marcel Ferencz (Napur Architect) and completed in 2022 as one of Europe’s most notable cultural and urban development programs, the Liget Budapest Project. The exhibition in Venice, titled "Reziduum – The Frequency of Architecture" and curated by Mária Kondor-Szilágyi, will present the museum's collection through the digital medium. A short animated film titled Ethnozoom and an interactive computer program, the MotifCreator, will allow visitors to become familiar with Hungarian traditions and create their own motif compositions, thus contributing to worldwide community creation. The Hungarian Pavilion will showcase works by architect Marcel Ferencz, architect and composer Péter Mátrai, architect Judit Z. Halmágyi and light designer Ferenc Haász.

The Pavilion of Hungary Explores Historical Ethnography at Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 - Image 1 of 4The Pavilion of Hungary Explores Historical Ethnography at Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 - Image 2 of 4The Pavilion of Hungary Explores Historical Ethnography at Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 - Image 3 of 4The Pavilion of Hungary Explores Historical Ethnography at Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 - Image 4 of 4The Pavilion of Hungary Explores Historical Ethnography at Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 - More Images+ 2

SANAA and Snøhetta Tie for Budapest's New National Gallery and Ludwig Museum

SANAA and Snøhetta have been jointly awarded first prize in a restricted competition to build a "New National Gallery - Ludwig Museum" in Budapest's 200-year-old Városliget (City Park). Lauded for their "equally outstanding" proposals, the winning teams will now meet with the jury to be judged "on professional and financial considerations."

Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos and the joint proposal of Balázs Mihály's Architect Studio and the Faculty of Architecture of Budapest University of Technology and Economics were awarded second prize.

The competition is part of a larger cultural project that aims to renew the city's Városliget by 2018 with five new museum buildings built inside the expanded park area.

A closer look at the winning schemes, after the break.