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landscape architects: The Latest Architecture and News

Landscape Architects Rise to the Challenge of Coastal Flooding

It's that time of year again: students and their families are busy preparing for the start of school, while some of us are gearing up to step in front of the classroom. While preparing to teach an intro course on climate, I'm reminded of why we use the term climate change and not global warming.

Yes, the Earth is warming from a thickening layer of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere caused by us. But climate changes range from sea level rise to increasing storms, floods, fires, and drought, which are all negatively impacting biodiversity as well. So, not just warming. Recent storms that battered the eastern U.S. coast and Bermuda remind us of this difference. While some communities face extreme heat, others brace for storms and rising waters, and many face multiple impacts.

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Vice President Harris Makes the Case for Nature-based Solutions

This Earth Day, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris highlighted the many benefits of nature-based solutions and recognized the important role of landscape architects in this work. At the University of Miami, she also announced $562 million in funding for coastal resilience projects, supporting 149 projects in 30 states, through the Climate-Ready Coasts Initiative of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Vice President Harris’ remarks build on the Biden-Harris administration’s support for planning and designing with ecological systems in an equitable way.

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Landscape Design: Drawings, References and Concepts

Successful landscaping is more than just an innate desire to always be in touch with nature. Designing the landscape of public spaces, gardens, or even indoors is an ever-growing concern due to how the arrangement of elements in space can impact not only spatial but also psychological perceptions, contributing to improved comfort and quality for visitors.

Site Mirador

ARKxSITE is pleased to announce the ‘SITE MIRADOR’ international architecture ideas competition for architecture and landscape architecture students and young professionals (≤ 40 years old).

This international one-stage architecture ideas competition invites all architecture and landscape architecture students, young architects and landscape architects, young professionals with a degree in architecture studies or landscape architecture studies (≤ 40 years old) to develop and submit compelling ideas for the design of a Site Mirador located at the Zavial Battery, Algarve, Portugal.

The Site Mirador offers a unique experience through time and memory. It is a powerful moment to increase and stimulate the

17 Contemporary Brazilian Landscape Architects

Landscape architecture is responsible for the transformation and resignification of the landscape, either by enriching architecture or by bringing forth the history of the site. As with buildings, when we design with vegetation it allows us to work a series of stimuli, qualities, and functions.