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  2. Kunstmuseum Basel

Kunstmuseum Basel: The Latest Architecture and News

At Kunstmuseum Basel, iart Creates a Frieze with a Technological Twist

Though it was once an essential element of all classical structures, the frieze has largely been left behind by architects looking for contemporary façade systems. But at the recently-opened addition to the Kunstmuseum Basel, designed by Swiss architects Christ & Gantenbein in collaboration with design group iart, the frieze returns with an eye-catching, technological twist, as hidden pixels within the facade light up to display moving images and text to those below.

At Kunstmuseum Basel, iart Creates a Frieze with a Technological Twist - Image 1 of 4At Kunstmuseum Basel, iart Creates a Frieze with a Technological Twist - Image 2 of 4At Kunstmuseum Basel, iart Creates a Frieze with a Technological Twist - Image 3 of 4At Kunstmuseum Basel, iart Creates a Frieze with a Technological Twist - Image 4 of 4At Kunstmuseum Basel, iart Creates a Frieze with a Technological Twist - More Images+ 10