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  2. Kunming Shi

Kunming Shi: The Latest Architecture and News

Deepsea Coffee / Parallect Design

Deepsea Coffee / Parallect Design - Interior Design, Facade, Chair
© Yixiang Wang

Deepsea Coffee / Parallect Design - Interior DesignDeepsea Coffee / Parallect Design - Interior Design, ChairDeepsea Coffee / Parallect Design - Interior Design, Stairs, HandrailDeepsea Coffee / Parallect Design - Interior Design, Kitchen, Beam, Facade, LightingDeepsea Coffee / Parallect Design - More Images+ 23

  • Architects: Parallect Design
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  164
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018

Yunnan Museum / Rocco Design Architects

Yunnan Museum / Rocco Design Architects - Museum, FacadeYunnan Museum / Rocco Design Architects - Museum, FacadeYunnan Museum / Rocco Design Architects - Museum, ChairYunnan Museum / Rocco Design Architects - Museum, FacadeYunnan Museum / Rocco Design Architects - More Images+ 31

Kunming Shi, China