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The Stadiums That Could Host the 2026 World Cup Bid in the US, Canada, and Mexico

The Stadiums That Could Host the 2026 World Cup Bid in the US, Canada, and Mexico - Featured Image
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I hope you have caught your breath after this year’s FIFA World Cup. France’s win in Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium marked the end of an era; the last World Cup with a classic format. After the 2022 Winter tournament in Qatar, the competition will be expanded to 48 teams (rather than the current 32).

The Stadiums That Could Host the 2026 World Cup Bid in the US, Canada, and Mexico - Image 1 of 4The Stadiums That Could Host the 2026 World Cup Bid in the US, Canada, and Mexico - Image 2 of 4The Stadiums That Could Host the 2026 World Cup Bid in the US, Canada, and Mexico - Image 3 of 4The Stadiums That Could Host the 2026 World Cup Bid in the US, Canada, and Mexico - Image 4 of 4The Stadiums That Could Host the 2026 World Cup Bid in the US, Canada, and Mexico - More Images+ 22