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  2. Kim Jong Kyu

Kim Jong Kyu: The Latest Architecture and News

Sections of Autonomy. Six Korean Architects

The exhibition Sections of Autonomy. Six Korean Architects is curated by Choi Won-joon and Luca Galofaro and showcases the work of six Korean architects selected among the most intriguing authors of the national architectural scenario.
Choi Moon-gyu (Ga.A Architects), Jang Yoon-gyoo ( Unsangdong Architects Cooperation), Kim Jong-kyu (M.A.R.U.), Kim Jun-sung (Architecture Studio hANd), Kim Seung-hoy ( KYWC Architects), Kim Young-joon (YO2 Architects) set up their independent practices in the 1990s and early 2000s, an era marked by political and cultural freedom in the country.

Amore Pacific Research & Design Center / Alvaro Siza, Carlos Castanheira and Kim Jong Kyu

Amore Pacific Research & Design Center / Alvaro Siza, Carlos Castanheira and Kim Jong Kyu - Interior Photography, Research CenterAmore Pacific Research & Design Center / Alvaro Siza, Carlos Castanheira and Kim Jong Kyu - Research CenterAmore Pacific Research & Design Center / Alvaro Siza, Carlos Castanheira and Kim Jong Kyu - Interior Photography, Research Center, Facade, ColumnAmore Pacific Research & Design Center / Alvaro Siza, Carlos Castanheira and Kim Jong Kyu - Exterior Photography, Research Center, FacadeAmore Pacific Research & Design Center / Alvaro Siza, Carlos Castanheira and Kim Jong Kyu - More Images+ 48