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Joel Simon: The Latest Architecture and News

Could Computer Algorithms Design the Floor Plans of the Future?

Could Computer Algorithms Design the Floor Plans of the Future? - Image 1 of 4
Optimized Floor Plan. Image Courtesy of Joel Simon

Programmer Joel Simon has created an experimental research project, Evolving Floor Plans, to explore speculative and optimized plan layouts using generative design. Interested in the intersection of computer science, biology and design, Joel organized rooms and expected flow of people through a genetic algorithm to minimize walking time, the use of hallways, etc.

The creative goal is to approach floor plan design solely from the perspective of optimization and without regard for convention or constructability. The research aims to see how a combination of explicit, implicit and emergent methods allow floor plans of high complexity to evolve.

Could Computer Algorithms Design the Floor Plans of the Future? - Image 1 of 4Could Computer Algorithms Design the Floor Plans of the Future? - Image 2 of 4Could Computer Algorithms Design the Floor Plans of the Future? - Image 3 of 4Could Computer Algorithms Design the Floor Plans of the Future? - Image 4 of 4Could Computer Algorithms Design the Floor Plans of the Future? - More Images