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Jaspers & Eyers: The Latest Architecture and News

OMA Designs New Headquarters for Belgium's National Railway Company

OMA and partner Reinier de Graaf, together with Jaspers-Eyers Architects, have won the competition to design the new headquarters of Belgium's National Railway Company in Brussels. The design preserves three monumental buildings in the Brussels-South train station along Fonsny Avenue. At 75,000 square meters, the headquarters project brings all departments under the same roof with work space for 4,000 employees.

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A2M, Jaspers-Eyers Architects and BAG Design Eco-Neighborhood for Belgium

Association Bureau A2M, Jaspers-Eyers Architects and Bureau d’Architecture Greish's (BAG) proposal for an “eco-neighborhood” in Liège, Belgium, has been unanimously selected by a jury in a competition to design a mixed-use real-estate project. Dubbed “Paradis Express,” the design incorporates offices, housing and local shops and will occupy a 35,000m2 site located along a future esplanade across from Guillemins station, and next to the new Finance Tower. The competition was held by Fedimmo, in consultation with the city of Liège and the Walloon Region.

A2M, Jaspers-Eyers Architects and BAG Design Eco-Neighborhood for Belgium - Facade, LightingA2M, Jaspers-Eyers Architects and BAG Design Eco-Neighborhood for Belgium - FacadeA2M, Jaspers-Eyers Architects and BAG Design Eco-Neighborhood for Belgium - FacadeA2M, Jaspers-Eyers Architects and BAG Design Eco-Neighborhood for Belgium - CityscapeA2M, Jaspers-Eyers Architects and BAG Design Eco-Neighborhood for Belgium - More Images+ 12