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Jabiru: The Latest Architecture and News

NAAU and Enlocus Set to Transform Australia's Jabiru Mining Town

Australian practices NAAU and Enlocus have designed a plan to transform the mining town of Jabiru in Kakadu National Park into a tourism destination. The Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation will receive $446 million in funding to support the project, setting out a vision for the future of the town following the scheduled closure of the nearby Ranger uranium mine in 2021. The plan includes new accommodation, education and health services, and a World Heritage Interpretation Center.

NAAU and Enlocus Set to Transform Australia's Jabiru Mining Town - Image 1 of 4NAAU and Enlocus Set to Transform Australia's Jabiru Mining Town - Image 2 of 4NAAU and Enlocus Set to Transform Australia's Jabiru Mining Town - Image 3 of 4NAAU and Enlocus Set to Transform Australia's Jabiru Mining Town - Image 4 of 4NAAU and Enlocus Set to Transform Australia's Jabiru Mining Town - More Images+ 2