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  2. Ismael Levya Architects

Ismael Levya Architects: The Latest Architecture and News

Architecture in the United States Designed by Latin American Architects

Architecture in the United States Designed by Latin American Architects  - Image 8 of 4
Rafael Viñoly / Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Image © Groupe Canam [Wikimedia] Bajo licencia CC BY-SA 3.0

Globalization and its pension for both virtual and physical connectivity has led to the linking of the world's economies, territories, and cultures and nowhere is this more evident than in the field of architecture.

Ismael Levya to Transform NYC Parking Garage into Luxury Residential Tower

An image of Ismael Levya Architects' transformation of a six-story parking garage in New York City's Upper East Side has been revealed. The project, already under construction, will expand the structure into a 19-story residential tower that will house 56 luxury apartments. Described as a "lantern," the 210-foot-tall building was designed as "four distinct townhouse volumes with metal and glass."