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IND [Inter.National.Design]: The Latest Architecture and News

The Çanakkale Antenna Tower Designed by IND [Inter.National.Design] and Powerhouse Company Nears Completion

The Çanakkale Antenna Tower Designed by IND [Inter.National.Design] and Powerhouse Company Nears Completion - Featured Image
© Sebastian van Damme

The Çanakkale Antenna Tower designed by IND [Inter.National.Design] and Powerhouse Company is nearing completion. Located on a forested hill in the aforementioned city, the weathering steel structure envelops the landscape before growing into a 100-meter tall tower that offers a panoramic view of the historic Turkish city. The single design gesture simultaneously crafts an intimate experience of nature through the creation of an inner garden, immersing visitors into the surrounding forest while creating a new visual identity for the city.

The Çanakkale Antenna Tower Designed by IND [Inter.National.Design] and Powerhouse Company Nears Completion - Image 1 of 4The Çanakkale Antenna Tower Designed by IND [Inter.National.Design] and Powerhouse Company Nears Completion - Image 2 of 4The Çanakkale Antenna Tower Designed by IND [Inter.National.Design] and Powerhouse Company Nears Completion - Image 3 of 4The Çanakkale Antenna Tower Designed by IND [Inter.National.Design] and Powerhouse Company Nears Completion - Image 4 of 4The Çanakkale Antenna Tower Designed by IND [Inter.National.Design] and Powerhouse Company Nears Completion - More Images+ 3

Çanakkale Antenna Tower / IND [Inter.National.Design] + Powerhouse Company

Beating out an impressive shortlist of architectural heavyweights, including Sou Fujimoto Architects, Snøhetta, and FR-EE/Fernando Romero Enterprise, IND [Inter.National.Design] + Powerhouse Company, in collaboration with ABT, have won the Çanakkale Antenna Tower Competition to design a 100-meter Observation and Broadcast Tower for the historic city of Çanakkale in western Turkey.The tower will be completed in 2015, in time for the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Galipoli.

Interestingly, this is the second design for an "iconic" antenna tower we've seen this month; you can check out Smiljan Radic's winning design for the antenna tower that will alter the skyline of Santiago, Chile here. And read after the break for IND + Powerhouse Company's description of their winning design.

Istanbul Technical University Campus / IND [Inter.National.Design] and Erginoğlu + Çalışlar

Istanbul Technical University Campus / IND [Inter.National.Design] and Erginoğlu + Çalışlar - Image 8 of 4
Courtesy of IND and Erginoğlu + Çalışlar

The main challenge of [Inter.National.Design] and Erginoğlu + Çalışlar for this project is to arrive to a proposal that could articulate not only an interesting and comfortable life for the users of the campus, but to take this opportunity to improve the urban articulation of this site located in front of the famous city wall, near the frozen zone of the tourist strip of Varosha and next to a potentially dynamic avenue. The campus should also serve as a place of social and cultural encounter open to all citizens, in that sense it should be a campus of excellence qualities of public space and accessibility. Finally, their last goal is be able to arrive to a formal scheme that can also integrate the dispersed and mixed presence of historic buildings and turning them from nuisances into assets of the university life. More images and architects’ description after the break.