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  2. Imaginários urbanos

Imaginários urbanos: The Latest Architecture and News

How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries

Cities are not just inert landscapes or lifeless settings; they play active and significant roles in shaping numerous television narratives. Whether in series or soap operas, urban environments play a fundamental role not only as the backdrop where plots unfold but also in shaping the developments of storylines, their creations, guidelines, and contexts. While, on the one hand, cities and their urban cultures contribute to the composition of various small screen plots, on the other hand, television programs can also help shape a certain idealized imagination about these urban spaces, generating unrealistic expectations and perpetuating a series of stereotypes about the represented cities.

How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries - Image 1 of 4How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries - Image 2 of 4How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries - Image 3 of 4How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries - Image 4 of 4How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries - More Images+ 2