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  2. Hoofddorp

Hoofddorp: The Latest Architecture and News

Hoofddorp Fort Island / Serge Schoemaker Architects

Hoofddorp Fort Island / Serge Schoemaker Architects - Interior Photography, Shopping Centers, KitchenHoofddorp Fort Island / Serge Schoemaker Architects - Interior Photography, Shopping CentersHoofddorp Fort Island / Serge Schoemaker Architects - Interior Photography, Shopping CentersHoofddorp Fort Island / Serge Schoemaker Architects - Interior Photography, Shopping CentersHoofddorp Fort Island / Serge Schoemaker Architects - More Images+ 20

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2120
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Jansen, Dornbracht, Clou, Deltalight, Formani, +2

Folly Kometenplein Pavilion / bureau SLA

Folly Kometenplein Pavilion  / bureau SLA - Exterior Photography, Pavilion, FacadeFolly Kometenplein Pavilion  / bureau SLA - Exterior Photography, Pavilion, FacadeFolly Kometenplein Pavilion  / bureau SLA - Exterior Photography, Pavilion, FacadeFolly Kometenplein Pavilion  / bureau SLA - Exterior Photography, Pavilion, FacadeFolly Kometenplein Pavilion  / bureau SLA - More Images+ 18

Danone Headquarters / Powerhouse Company

Danone Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - Interior Photography, Institutional Buildings, Stairs, HandrailDanone Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - Interior Photography, Institutional Buildings, Kitchen, Facade, Table, ChairDanone Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - Interior Photography, Institutional Buildings, Stairs, Facade, HandrailDanone Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - Interior Photography, Institutional Buildings, Table, ChairDanone Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - More Images+ 23

ASICS EMEA Headquarters / Powerhouse Company

ASICS EMEA Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, Facade, DoorASICS EMEA Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - Office BuildingsASICS EMEA Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - Interior Photography, Office Buildings, Facade, Handrail, StairsASICS EMEA Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - Interior Photography, Office Buildings, Facade, HandrailASICS EMEA Headquarters / Powerhouse Company - More Images+ 19

Hoofddorp Garden Studio / Serge Schoemaker Architects

Hoofddorp Garden Studio / Serge Schoemaker Architects - Offices, FacadeHoofddorp Garden Studio / Serge Schoemaker Architects - Offices, Garden, FacadeHoofddorp Garden Studio / Serge Schoemaker Architects - Offices, ChairHoofddorp Garden Studio / Serge Schoemaker Architects - Offices, Bedroom, DoorHoofddorp Garden Studio / Serge Schoemaker Architects - More Images+ 7

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  15
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  JUNG, Cor-Ten steel, Formani, Modular Lighting Instruments, Multiplex Plywood, +1

Fluor / Paul de Ruiter Architects

Fluor / Paul de Ruiter Architects - Office Buildings, Facade, LightingFluor / Paul de Ruiter Architects - Office Buildings, Facade, BeamFluor / Paul de Ruiter Architects - Office Buildings, Beam, FacadeFluor / Paul de Ruiter Architects - Office Buildings, Garden, Facade, Table, ChairFluor / Paul de Ruiter Architects - More Images+ 16

De Burgemeester / Studioninedots

De Burgemeester / Studioninedots - Office Buildings, Beam, Facade
© Peter Cuypers

De Burgemeester / Studioninedots - Office Buildings, FacadeDe Burgemeester / Studioninedots - Office Buildings, Facade, Table, ChairDe Burgemeester / Studioninedots - Office Buildings, Stairs, Beam, HandrailDe Burgemeester / Studioninedots - Office Buildings, Facade, Door, Beam, ColumnDe Burgemeester / Studioninedots - More Images+ 22

Bruggen de President / Drost + van Veen architecten

Bruggen de President / Drost + van Veen architecten - ParkBruggen de President / Drost + van Veen architecten - ParkBruggen de President / Drost + van Veen architecten - ParkBruggen de President / Drost + van Veen architecten - ParkBruggen de President / Drost + van Veen architecten - More Images+ 8

Hoofddorp, The Netherlands