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  2. Honeywell Spectra Fiber

Honeywell Spectra Fiber: The Latest Architecture and News

Janet Echelman's Largest Aerial Sculpture To Premiere in Vancouver

American Artist Janet Echelman is to premiere her latest, and largest, sculpture in Vancouver. Widely known for her artistic ability to reshape urban airspace, Echelman's sophisticated mixture of ancient craft and modern technology has led to collaborations with aeronautical and mechanical engineers, architects, lighting designers, landscape architects, and fabricators to "transform urban environments world wide with her net sculptures." Using a light weight fibre to elevate her monumental "breathing" forms above the streets of urban centres, Echelman's new sculpture will be of a size and scale never before attempted.

Janet Echelman's Largest Aerial Sculpture To Premiere in Vancouver - Cultural ArchitectureJanet Echelman's Largest Aerial Sculpture To Premiere in Vancouver - Cultural ArchitectureJanet Echelman's Largest Aerial Sculpture To Premiere in Vancouver - Cultural ArchitectureJanet Echelman's Largest Aerial Sculpture To Premiere in Vancouver - Cultural ArchitectureJanet Echelman's Largest Aerial Sculpture To Premiere in Vancouver - More Images+ 17