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  2. Hiroshima

Hiroshima: The Latest Architecture and News

Hiroshima Hut / Suppose Design Office

Hiroshima Hut / Suppose Design Office - Houses, Facade, Fence, Handrail, ChairHiroshima Hut / Suppose Design Office - Houses, Door, FacadeHiroshima Hut / Suppose Design Office - Houses, Facade, Fence, ChairHiroshima Hut / Suppose Design Office - Houses, Facade, Handrail, ChairHiroshima Hut / Suppose Design Office - More Images+ 8

Hiroshima, Japan

Pure House / Kugatsuno Kaze Design Office

Pure House / Kugatsuno Kaze Design Office - Houses, FacadePure House / Kugatsuno Kaze Design Office - Houses, Beam, DoorPure House / Kugatsuno Kaze Design Office - Houses, Beam, Handrail, FacadePure House / Kugatsuno Kaze Design Office - Houses, FacadePure House / Kugatsuno Kaze Design Office - More Images+ 7

Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshi Nakamura Describes the Inspiration Behind the Ribbon Chapel in This Stunning Video

Hiroshi Nakamura, architect of the Ribbon Chapel in Japan, describes the design ideology and his personal favorite elements of the project in this stunning new video by Matthew Allard ACS. Shooting the chapel at various times during the day, its changing characteristics are captured in the movement of the light and camera, the twisting concrete forms seeming to dance.

Ribbon Chapel / Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP

Ribbon Chapel / Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP - ChapelRibbon Chapel / Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP - ChapelRibbon Chapel / Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP - ChapelRibbon Chapel / Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP - ChapelRibbon Chapel / Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP - More Images+ 20

Hiroshima, Japan
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  80
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  ZM SILESIA
  • Professionals: Ove Arup & Partners

House in Miyake / Hidetaka Nakahara Architects + Yoshio Ohno Architects

House in Miyake / Hidetaka Nakahara Architects + Yoshio Ohno Architects - Houses, Courtyard, Facade, HandrailHouse in Miyake / Hidetaka Nakahara Architects + Yoshio Ohno Architects - Houses, Facade, Handrail, Stairs, ColumnHouse in Miyake / Hidetaka Nakahara Architects + Yoshio Ohno Architects - Houses, Kitchen, Facade, Handrail, Lighting, Countertop, Chair, TableHouse in Miyake / Hidetaka Nakahara Architects + Yoshio Ohno Architects - Houses, Bathroom, Door, Sink, Bathtub, LightingHouse in Miyake / Hidetaka Nakahara Architects + Yoshio Ohno Architects - More Images+ 11

Hiroshima, Japan

Hinanai Village House / DYGSA

Hinanai Village House / DYGSA - Houses, Facade, Door, ArchHinanai Village House / DYGSA - Houses, Door, Facade, ColumnHinanai Village House / DYGSA - Houses, Beam, Door, Table, ChairHinanai Village House / DYGSA - Houses, Bathroom, Facade, BathtubHinanai Village House / DYGSA - More Images+ 15

Hiroshima, Japan
  • Architects: DYGSA
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  91
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013
  • Professionals: Fuji Construction

House in Tousuien / Suppose Design Office

House in Tousuien / Suppose Design Office - Houses, Beam, TableHouse in Tousuien / Suppose Design Office - Houses, Facade, LightingHouse in Tousuien / Suppose Design Office - Houses, Facade, Beam, ChairHouse in Tousuien / Suppose Design Office - HousesHouse in Tousuien / Suppose Design Office - More Images+ 18

Hiroshima, Japan

The House of Yagi / Suppose Design Office + Ohno Japan

The House of Yagi / Suppose Design Office + Ohno Japan - Houses, FacadeThe House of Yagi / Suppose Design Office + Ohno Japan - Houses, Beam, Facade, Door, Stairs, ArchThe House of Yagi / Suppose Design Office + Ohno Japan - Houses, FacadeThe House of Yagi / Suppose Design Office + Ohno Japan - Houses, Stairs, Facade, Handrail, BeamThe House of Yagi / Suppose Design Office + Ohno Japan - More Images+ 7

Hiroshima, Japan

Beam House / Future Studio

Beam House / Future Studio - Houses, Facade, Chair, TableBeam House / Future Studio - Houses, FacadeBeam House / Future Studio - Houses, Column, Table, ChairBeam House / Future Studio - Houses, Facade, HandrailBeam House / Future Studio - More Images+ 11

Hiroshima, Japan
  • Architects: Future Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  261
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2009

Wrap House / Future Studio

Wrap House / Future Studio - Houses, Kitchen, Facade, Handrail, Beam, Door, Table, Chair, LightingWrap House / Future Studio - Houses, Facade, DoorWrap House / Future Studio - Houses, Kitchen, Beam, Table, Lighting, Chair, CountertopWrap House / Future Studio - Houses, Kitchen, Facade, Handrail, Countertop, Sink, ChairWrap House / Future Studio - More Images+ 20

Hiroshima, Japan
  • Architects: Future Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  64
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2009

Light Stage House / Future Studio

Light Stage House / Future Studio - Houses, Handrail, StairsLight Stage House / Future Studio - Houses, LightingLight Stage House / Future Studio - Houses, StairsLight Stage House / Future Studio - Houses, Facade, HandrailLight Stage House / Future Studio - More Images+ 12

Hiroshima, Japan
  • Architects: Future Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  104
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011

Hiroshima Park Restrooms: Absolute Arrows / Future Studio

Hiroshima Park Restrooms: Absolute Arrows / Future Studio - Small Scale, Facade, FenceHiroshima Park Restrooms: Absolute Arrows / Future Studio - Small Scale, FacadeHiroshima Park Restrooms: Absolute Arrows / Future Studio - Small Scale, Facade, DoorHiroshima Park Restrooms: Absolute Arrows / Future Studio - Small Scale, Stairs, Arch, Facade, Handrail, ChairHiroshima Park Restrooms: Absolute Arrows / Future Studio - More Images+ 24

  • Architects: Future Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  15
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2009

Frame / UID Architects

Frame / UID Architects - Houses, FacadeFrame / UID Architects - Houses, Facade, Handrail, StairsFrame / UID Architects - Houses, Stairs, Handrail, Door, BeamFrame / UID Architects - Houses, Bathroom, Shower, BathtubFrame / UID Architects - More Images+ 9

Hiroshima, Japan

+ node / UID Architects

+ node / UID Architects - Houses, Facade+ node / UID Architects - Houses, Forest+ node / UID Architects - Houses, Garden, Facade+ node / UID Architects - Houses, Garden, Beam, Forest+ node / UID Architects - More Images+ 9

Hiroshima, Japan

Hiding Place / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design

Hiding Place / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - Houses Interiors, Door
© Toru Kitamura
Hiroshima, Japan

Hiding Place / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - Houses Interiors, Lighting, Bench, TableHiding Place / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - Houses Interiors, Door, Beam, Lighting, BenchHiding Place / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - Houses Interiors, Door, Facade, ColumnHiding Place / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - Houses InteriorsHiding Place / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - More Images+ 21

Peanuts / UID Architects

Peanuts / UID Architects - Kindergarten, Beam, Facade, Chair
© Hiroshi Ueda
Hiroshima, Japan

Peanuts / UID Architects - Kindergarten, Garden, Facade, Stairs, Door, ArchPeanuts / UID Architects - Kindergarten, Garden, Facade, Fence, Stairs, HandrailPeanuts / UID Architects - Kindergarten, Garden, Facade, Beam, ChairPeanuts / UID Architects - Kindergarten, HandrailPeanuts / UID Architects - More Images+ 9

Mecenat Art Museum / Naf Architect & Design

Mecenat Art Museum / Naf Architect & Design - Museums & Exhibit , FacadeMecenat Art Museum / Naf Architect & Design - Museums & Exhibit , Handrail, StairsMecenat Art Museum / Naf Architect & Design - Museums & Exhibit , Facade, BeamMecenat Art Museum / Naf Architect & Design - Museums & Exhibit , Beam, Stairs, Handrail, DoorMecenat Art Museum / Naf Architect & Design - More Images+ 35

  • Architects: Naf Architect & Design: naf architect & design
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  99
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2010

Hiroshima Nishi Fire Station / Riken Yamamoto

Hiroshima Nishi Fire Station / Riken Yamamoto - Interior Photography, Fire Station, Stairs, FacadeHiroshima Nishi Fire Station / Riken Yamamoto - Interior Photography, Fire Station, FacadeHiroshima Nishi Fire Station / Riken Yamamoto - Interior Photography, Fire Station, FacadeHiroshima Nishi Fire Station / Riken Yamamoto - Interior Photography, Fire Station, Stairs, Facade, Handrail, BeamHiroshima Nishi Fire Station / Riken Yamamoto - More Images

  • Architects: Riken Yamamoto
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  6245
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2000