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Highway Interchange: The Latest Architecture and News

Toronto Appoints Field Operations and Brook McIlroy to Reimagine the Bentway Traffic Islands

New York-based office Field Operations, renowned for their work on Seattle's waterfront and New York's High Line, along with Toronto's Brook McIlroy, have been tasked with transforming underutilized lands beneath the Gardiner Expressway in Toronto. The project was launched by The Bentway Conservancy, in partnership with the City of Toronto, and represents the second phase of the development aiming to revitalize underutilized spaces along the expressway. The initiative set out to transform three large traffic islands between Dan Leckie Way and Spadina Avenue into an 11,500-square-meter public space for recreation and community activities.

Toronto Appoints Field Operations and Brook McIlroy to Reimagine the Bentway Traffic Islands - 1 的图像 4Toronto Appoints Field Operations and Brook McIlroy to Reimagine the Bentway Traffic Islands - 2 的图像 4Toronto Appoints Field Operations and Brook McIlroy to Reimagine the Bentway Traffic Islands - 3 的图像 4Toronto Appoints Field Operations and Brook McIlroy to Reimagine the Bentway Traffic Islands - 4 的图像 4Toronto Appoints Field Operations and Brook McIlroy to Reimagine the Bentway Traffic Islands - More Images+ 5

Confronting the Racist Legacy of Urban Highways

Highways, in their inanimate state, cannot be racist. However, the forces that located them and the consequences of their placement are inextricably connected to race. Deborah Archer, a law professor and civil rights lawyer, captures the central concept: “Highways were built through and around Black communities to entrench racial inequality and protect white spaces and privilege.”

In the new book, Justice and the Interstates: The Racist Truth About Urban Highways, editors Ryan Reft, Amanda Phillips du Lucas, and Rebecca Retzlaff explore racial injustice and the interstate highway system. They collect essays that address the dislocation caused by interstates. The book came out of a series of articles in Metropole, a publication of the Urban History Association.