Heyuan: The Latest Architecture and News
Heyuan Museum of Popular Science Education for K-12s / Architectural Design and Research Institute, South China University of Technology
https://www.archdaily.com/998951/heyuan-museum-of-popular-science-education-for-k-12s-architectural-design-and-research-institute-south-china-university-of-technologyCollin Chen
Heyuan Huilong Village Party Service Center / Yuanism Architects
- Area: 505 m²
- Year: 2021
https://www.archdaily.com/968475/heyuan-huilong-village-party-service-center-yuanism-architectsYu Xin Li
Fa Chang Cultural Activity Center / CCDI Dongxiying Studio
Architects: Dongxiying Studio, CCDI
- Area: 300 m²
- Year: 2018
Professionals: Parkland Real Estate Development Co.Ltd
https://www.archdaily.com/917591/fa-chang-cultural-activity-center-ccdi-dongxiying-studioCollin Chen
Best Modern Examples of Ancient Courtyard Renovations in China
Chinese courtyard houses are one of the most common housing typologies spanning all the way from the northern capital of Beijing to the poetic southern cities Hangzhou and back to the picturesque regions of Yunnan. Typically referred as heyuan, these courtyards homes are simply a “yard enclosed on four sides."
https://www.archdaily.com/887961/best-modern-examples-of-ancient-courtyard-renovations-in-chinaArchDaily Team
Special Education School / Architectural Design & Research Institute of SCUT - TaoZhi Studio
https://www.archdaily.com/905999/special-education-school-architectural-design-and-research-institute-of-scut-taozhi-studio舒岳康 - SHU Yuekang
Student Club of Heyuan Senior High School / YUANISM ARCHITECTS
- Area: 208 m²
- Year: 2018
https://www.archdaily.com/921803/student-club-of-heyuan-senior-high-school-yuanism-architectsCollin Chen