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HENN ARCHITEKTEN: The Latest Architecture and News

HENN Develops Master Plan for City University of Hong Kong

International architecture office HENN developed a 300,000m² master plan for the City University of Hong Kong in the province of Guangdong. The construction will be split into two phases: the central library is planned for 2023 and the academic amenities, including student residences, are scheduled for completion in 2025. As the City University of Hong Kong's third mainland site, "CityU Dongguan" will connect researchers and industry collaborators across the Greater Bay Area Technology Innovation Corridor and create a multifaceted university district in the Pearl River Delta region. Moreover, the complex will be home to the Faculty of Science, Engineering, Business, and Medicine.

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HENN Reveals Floating Banking Campus in Austria

HENN has released details of their proposed CAMPUS ’25 in Linz, Austria. Designed for the Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich banking institution, the scheme is defined by principles of openness, flexibility, and multi-functionality, with a range of services open to the wider public. The central cornerstone of a new campus, the new building will contain co-working zones, shops, restaurants, and exhibition spaces.

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Zalando Headquarters / HENN

HENN has won the competition to design the new Zalando Headquarters in Berlin. The project will consist of two seven-story buildings, where up to 2,700 employees will occupy 42,000 square meters of office space.

With the new Headquarters, all of the Zalando offices will be brought together, rather than dispersed throughout the city.

Guangzhou Announces Shortlists for Two Museum Projects

The Guangzhou Bureau of Science and IT has announced the shortlists for two major projects in Guangzhou. The two museum projects - the Guangzhou Museum and the Guangzhou Science Museum, each worth over $160 million - will be the latest in a host of high profile projects in China's third-largest city, a list which includes Zaha Hadid's Guangzhou Opera House, the 600m tall Canton Tower, IFC Guangzhou by Wilkinson Eyre Architects and the Guangzhou Circle, among others.

The Guangzhou Museum will be located to the West of Lingnan Square near the Canton Tower, while the Guangzhou Science museum will be located to the East. Practices making the two lists include Bjark Ingels Group, Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, TFP Farrells, MAD Architects and Steven Holl Architects. Read on after the break for the complete shortlists.

Central Business District Wenzhou / HENN ARCHITEKTEN+HENN Studio B

Central Business District Wenzhou / HENN ARCHITEKTEN+HENN Studio B - Image 1 of 4
Courtesy of HENN Studio B

HENN ARCHITEKTEN‘s design and research studio, HENN Studio B, has been awarded first prize in the international competition to design the new central Business District in Wenzhou, China. They have kindly chosen to share with us their winning proposal, providing additional images and a succinct description after the break.