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Hans Hollein & Partner: The Latest Architecture and News

Spotlight: Hans Hollein

Described by Richard Meier as an architect whose "groundbreaking ideas" have "had a major impact on the thinking of designers and architects," Austrian artist, architect, designer, theoretician and Pritzker Prize laureate Hans Hollein worked in all aspects of design, from architecture to furniture, jewelry, glasses, lamps—even door handles. Known in particular for his museum designs, from the Abteiberg Museum in Mönchengladbach to the Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt to Vienna's Modernism.

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Austrian Pritzker Prize Laureate Hans Hollein Passes Away

Austrian artist, architect, designer, theoretician and Pritzker Prize laureate Hans Hollein has passed away twenty five days after he celebrated his eightieth birthday. Hollein, particularly known for his museum design, including Vienna’s Haas House (1990) and Frankfurt's Museum of Modern Art, was once described by Richard Meier as an architect whose "groundbreaking ideas” have “had a major impact on the thinking of designers and architects."

Tehran Stock Exchange Competition Entry / Hans Hollein & Partner

Tehran Stock Exchange Competition Entry / Hans Hollein & Partner - Image 12 of 4
© Atelier Hollein

Designed by Hans Hollein & Partner, the Tehran Stock Exchange aims to become a civic symbol that not only accommodates the stock exchange functions but also repents the practice in its entirety. As an architectural intervention, The buildings’ architectural nature allows it to become an identifiable structure within the urban fabric. The rectangular form of the office tower follows the homogenous surroundings, but the TSE´s façade is an innovative merger of two building envelope typologies and a strong contrast to any building in the vicinity: The window wall and the ceramic brick façade. More images and architects’ description after the break.