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  2. Hanover

Hanover: The Latest Architecture and News

Continental Headquarters / HENN

Continental Headquarters / HENN - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeContinental Headquarters / HENN - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, Facade, HandrailContinental Headquarters / HENN - Interior Photography, Office Buildings, Stairs, FacadeContinental Headquarters / HENN - Interior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeContinental Headquarters / HENN - More Images+ 6

  • Architects: HENN
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  46000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023

Buchholzer Grün Housing / Busch & Takasaki Architekten

Buchholzer Grün Housing / Busch & Takasaki Architekten - Exterior Photography, ResidentialBuchholzer Grün Housing / Busch & Takasaki Architekten - Exterior Photography, ResidentialBuchholzer Grün Housing / Busch & Takasaki Architekten - Exterior Photography, ResidentialBuchholzer Grün Housing / Busch & Takasaki Architekten - Exterior Photography, ResidentialBuchholzer Grün Housing / Busch & Takasaki Architekten - More Images+ 16

Hanover, Germany

Exhibition: Ernst Zinsser in Hannover - ArchitekturZeit 2016

Ernst Zinsser - Hidden Master of the 1950s

There is no doubt that Ernst Zinsser belongs to the significant representatives of the so called “Nachkriegsmoderne” (post-war-modernism) in Germany and yet due to a lack of medial presence he hides in shadow of his rather famous colleagues such as Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer or Dieter Oesterlen.


U-Boat Hall / BOLLES+WILSON - Distribution Center, Beam, Lighting
© Olaf Mahlstedt

U-Boat Hall / BOLLES+WILSON - Distribution Center, Facade, DoorU-Boat Hall / BOLLES+WILSON - Distribution Center, BeamU-Boat Hall / BOLLES+WILSON - Distribution Center, Stairs, Beam, Handrail, Lighting, ChairU-Boat Hall / BOLLES+WILSON - Distribution Center, Beam, Stairs, HandrailU-Boat Hall / BOLLES+WILSON - More Images+ 9

Black Family Visual Arts Center / Machado and Silvetti Associates

Black Family Visual Arts Center / Machado and Silvetti Associates - Visual Arts Center, Handrail, Beam, LightingBlack Family Visual Arts Center / Machado and Silvetti Associates - Visual Arts Center, Chair, TableBlack Family Visual Arts Center / Machado and Silvetti Associates - Visual Arts Center, FacadeBlack Family Visual Arts Center / Machado and Silvetti Associates - Visual Arts Center, Facade, StairsBlack Family Visual Arts Center / Machado and Silvetti Associates - More Images+ 11