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HafenCity: The Latest Architecture and News

David Chipperfield Architects Collaborate with Ester Buzkus Architeken to Design NOBU Hotel and Restaurant in Hamburg

David Chipperfield Architects Berlin, in collaboration with Ester Buzkus Architeken, has won the international competition to design the newest NOBU Hotel and Restaurant in Hamburg. In fact, David Chipperfield is also the architect for the entire Elbtower building, currently under construction, where the Nobu Hotel will occupy two of the three wings in the seven-story base of the tower. When completed, it should be the tallest building in Hamburg, at 230 meters.

David Chipperfield Architects Collaborate with Ester Buzkus Architeken to Design NOBU Hotel and Restaurant in Hamburg - Image 1 of 4David Chipperfield Architects Collaborate with Ester Buzkus Architeken to Design NOBU Hotel and Restaurant in Hamburg - Image 2 of 4David Chipperfield Architects Collaborate with Ester Buzkus Architeken to Design NOBU Hotel and Restaurant in Hamburg - Image 3 of 4David Chipperfield Architects Collaborate with Ester Buzkus Architeken to Design NOBU Hotel and Restaurant in Hamburg - Image 4 of 4David Chipperfield Architects Collaborate with Ester Buzkus Architeken to Design NOBU Hotel and Restaurant in Hamburg - More Images+ 1

International Coffee Plaza / Richard Meier & Partners Architects

International Coffee Plaza / Richard Meier & Partners Architects - Image 24 of 4
© Klaus Frahm

New York architects Richard Meier & Partners announced the opening of the new corporate headquarters for Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG), the world’s largest green coffee service group located in Hamburg’s HafenCity. The site of the new building is a part of a redevelopment initiative of the post-industrial port into a business, commercial and cultural center. Overlooking the Sandtorpark, harbor basins and the traditional skyline of Hamburg, the 12-story glass tower, now called Coffee Plaza, and its two adjacent office buildings, act as an anchor for the renovated harbor.

More information and images after the break.