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Haarlem: The Latest Architecture and News

Circular Living Room and Temporary Housing / VLOT architecten

Circular Living Room and Temporary Housing / VLOT architecten - Exterior Photography, Sustainability, FacadeCircular Living Room and Temporary Housing / VLOT architecten - Interior Photography, Sustainability, Door, Beam, TableCircular Living Room and Temporary Housing / VLOT architecten - Interior Photography, Sustainability, Beam, TableCircular Living Room and Temporary Housing / VLOT architecten - Exterior Photography, Sustainability, FacadeCircular Living Room and Temporary Housing / VLOT architecten - More Images+ 23

Slachthuisdistrict Haarlem Apartments / vanOmmeren-architecten

Slachthuisdistrict Haarlem Apartments / vanOmmeren-architecten - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade, DoorSlachthuisdistrict Haarlem Apartments / vanOmmeren-architecten - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade, ArchSlachthuisdistrict Haarlem Apartments / vanOmmeren-architecten - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeSlachthuisdistrict Haarlem Apartments / vanOmmeren-architecten - Exterior Photography, Houses, Stairs, Facade, HandrailSlachthuisdistrict Haarlem Apartments / vanOmmeren-architecten - More Images+ 11

Factory Apartments / Elephant

Factory Apartments / Elephant - Exterior Photography, Commercial Architecture, FacadeFactory Apartments / Elephant - Interior Photography, Commercial Architecture, Door, FacadeFactory Apartments / Elephant - Interior Photography, Commercial Architecture, Bedroom, Door, FacadeFactory Apartments / Elephant - Exterior Photography, Commercial Architecture, Facade, DoorFactory Apartments / Elephant - More Images+ 19

Villa Prinsenbolwerk / mojo/architecten

Villa Prinsenbolwerk / mojo/architecten - Exterior Photography, Houses, GardenVilla Prinsenbolwerk / mojo/architecten - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeVilla Prinsenbolwerk / mojo/architecten - Interior Photography, Houses, FacadeVilla Prinsenbolwerk / mojo/architecten - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, FacadeVilla Prinsenbolwerk / mojo/architecten - More Images+ 16

De Scheepmaker Housing Complex / van Ommeren architecten

De Scheepmaker Housing Complex / van Ommeren architecten - Exterior Photography, ResidentialDe Scheepmaker Housing Complex / van Ommeren architecten - Interior Photography, Residential, Table, ChairDe Scheepmaker Housing Complex / van Ommeren architecten - Exterior Photography, ResidentialDe Scheepmaker Housing Complex / van Ommeren architecten - Exterior Photography, Residential, FacadeDe Scheepmaker Housing Complex / van Ommeren architecten - More Images+ 59

Energy Positive Floating Villa / vanOmmeren-architecten

Energy Positive Floating Villa / vanOmmeren-architecten - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade, DoorEnergy Positive Floating Villa / vanOmmeren-architecten - HousesEnergy Positive Floating Villa / vanOmmeren-architecten - Interior Photography, HousesEnergy Positive Floating Villa / vanOmmeren-architecten - Interior Photography, Houses, Stairs, HandrailEnergy Positive Floating Villa / vanOmmeren-architecten - More Images+ 29

Energy Neutral Floating Villa ‘Haarlem Shuffle’ / vanOmmeren-architecten

Energy Neutral Floating Villa ‘Haarlem Shuffle’ / vanOmmeren-architecten - Interior Photography, Houses, Table, ChairEnergy Neutral Floating Villa ‘Haarlem Shuffle’ / vanOmmeren-architecten - HousesEnergy Neutral Floating Villa ‘Haarlem Shuffle’ / vanOmmeren-architecten - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeEnergy Neutral Floating Villa ‘Haarlem Shuffle’ / vanOmmeren-architecten - HousesEnergy Neutral Floating Villa ‘Haarlem Shuffle’ / vanOmmeren-architecten - More Images+ 46

Haarlems Pop Music Venue Patronaat / diederendirrix

Haarlems Pop Music Venue Patronaat / diederendirrix - Interior Photography, Cultural Architecture, Stairs, Facade, TableHaarlems Pop Music Venue Patronaat / diederendirrix - Cultural ArchitectureHaarlems Pop Music Venue Patronaat / diederendirrix - Interior Photography, Cultural Architecture, FacadeHaarlems Pop Music Venue Patronaat / diederendirrix - Interior Photography, Cultural Architecture, TableHaarlems Pop Music Venue Patronaat / diederendirrix - More Images+ 7

  • Architects: diederendirrix
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Protec Industrial Doors

Raakspoort Haarlem / Bolles + Wilson

Raakspoort Haarlem / Bolles + Wilson - Mixed Use Architecture, Fence, Facade, CityscapeRaakspoort Haarlem / Bolles + Wilson - Mixed Use Architecture, FacadeRaakspoort Haarlem / Bolles + Wilson - Mixed Use Architecture, Facade, DoorRaakspoort Haarlem / Bolles + Wilson - Mixed Use Architecture, FacadeRaakspoort Haarlem / Bolles + Wilson - More Images+ 12

'From Crèche to Campus – Mecanoo’s Educational Buildings, Present and Future' Exhibition

'From Crèche to Campus – Mecanoo’s Educational Buildings, Present and Future' Exhibition - Image 4 of 4
Courtesy of Mecanoo Architecten

On Thursday 29 September 2011 at 6:15 pm Jan Nieuwenburg, councillor of education in the city of Haarlem, will open the exhibition, ‘From Crèche to Campus – Mecanoo’s educational buildings, present and future’ in the ABC Architecture Centre in Haarlem, the Netherlands. This exhibition presents the educational buildings designed by Mecanoo Architecten analysed and placed in perspective against the backdrop of changes in society, ideas about education and the status of schools. The exhibition is open until November 27th. More information on the exhibition after the break.

Rechtbank Law Courts in Haarlem / Bakers Architecten

Rechtbank Law Courts in Haarlem / Bakers Architecten - Renovation, Facade, ChairRechtbank Law Courts in Haarlem / Bakers Architecten - RenovationRechtbank Law Courts in Haarlem / Bakers Architecten - Renovation, Kitchen, Facade, CountertopRechtbank Law Courts in Haarlem / Bakers Architecten - Renovation, Stairs, Handrail, DoorRechtbank Law Courts in Haarlem / Bakers Architecten - More Images+ 11

  • Architects: Bakers Architecten
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  11000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2010