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GroupGSA: The Latest Architecture and News

GroupGSA Wins Competition for the 2022 Winter Olympics Four Seasons Reception Center in China

GroupGSA's design for the Four Seasons Reception Center in Chongli, Zhanjiakou, China, where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be hosted, has been announced as the winning bid. The building will be used as the main information center for all of the activities that will occur at the ski resort during the Olympic Games.

GroupGSA Designs a Double Helix-Inspired Building for iCarbonX Headquarters in China

Australia-based GroupGSA’s recent design for iCarbonX’s Super Headquarters in Shenzhen, China has been dubbed “outstanding” by the competition’s jurors. The firm was invited to submit an entry which explored iCarbonX’s goal to “build an ecosystem of digital life based on a combination of an individual’s biological, behavioral and psychological data, the Internet, and artificial intelligence.”

Calligraphy-Inspired Lakeside Hotel Proposed as the Centerpiece of Shanghai's Fengxian District

With their design approach treating the site as a work of art, GroupGSA’s proposal for a new hotel in Shanghai’s Fengxian District has been awarded 2nd prize in a recent competition. Located in the predominantly undeveloped Nangiao New City and part of the Yangtze River delta in south Shanghai, the Wanda Jinhai Lake Hotel aims to garner new interest in the region through the creation of a new social, cultural, and economic landmark.

At the center of the Jinhai Lake, the new hotel integrates into the site and provides scenic vistas of the surrounding waterscape. “Inspiration stemmed from the concept of Chinese Calligraphy, the stroke of a brush with its ink dripping in the water,” say the architects. “Our site is merely a piece of art and we plan to leave our mark via our architecture which is painted on the site following the lines and the movement of the surrounding context.”

Calligraphy-Inspired Lakeside Hotel Proposed as the Centerpiece of Shanghai's Fengxian District - Image 1 of 4Calligraphy-Inspired Lakeside Hotel Proposed as the Centerpiece of Shanghai's Fengxian District - Image 2 of 4Calligraphy-Inspired Lakeside Hotel Proposed as the Centerpiece of Shanghai's Fengxian District - Image 3 of 4Calligraphy-Inspired Lakeside Hotel Proposed as the Centerpiece of Shanghai's Fengxian District - Image 4 of 4Calligraphy-Inspired Lakeside Hotel Proposed as the Centerpiece of Shanghai's Fengxian District - More Images+ 17