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  2. George Tsypin

George Tsypin: The Latest Architecture and News

New York City's SeaGlass Carousel, Photographed by Danica O. Kus

In this latest photoseries, architectural photographer Danica O. Kus takes her lens inside New York City’s SeaGlass Carousel, designed by WXY Architecture + Urban Design with artist George Tsypin. Completed in summer 2015, the 2,575 square foot nautilus-shaped pavilion has become a new attraction within a Piet Oudolf-designed landscape in Battery Park, drawing in visitors with an immersive LED and audio experience inspired by bioluminescent organisms found deep within the ocean.

New York City's SeaGlass Carousel, Photographed by Danica O. Kus - Image 1 of 4New York City's SeaGlass Carousel, Photographed by Danica O. Kus - Image 2 of 4New York City's SeaGlass Carousel, Photographed by Danica O. Kus - Image 3 of 4New York City's SeaGlass Carousel, Photographed by Danica O. Kus - Image 4 of 4New York City's SeaGlass Carousel, Photographed by Danica O. Kus - More Images+ 10