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Garden Grove: The Latest Architecture and News

AD Classics: The Crystal Cathedral / Philip Johnson

The Crystal Cathedral was designed as a religious theater of sorts, acting as both television studio and stage to a congregation of 3,000. It was commissioned by renowned televangelist Robert Schuller and completed in 1980 near Los Angeles, California. Philip Johnson and John Burgee devised the glass enclosure in response to Schuller’s request that the church be open to the "sky and the surrounding world."

AD Classics: The Crystal Cathedral  / Philip Johnson - Cathedral, Facade, ChairAD Classics: The Crystal Cathedral  / Philip Johnson - Cathedral, Facade, Arch, CityscapeAD Classics: The Crystal Cathedral  / Philip Johnson - Cathedral, Garden, Facade, Arch, Column, CityscapeAD Classics: The Crystal Cathedral  / Philip Johnson - Cathedral, Facade, Lighting, CityscapeAD Classics: The Crystal Cathedral  / Philip Johnson - More Images+ 13