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  2. Funabashi

Funabashi: The Latest Architecture and News

Nishiji Gallery and Office / KOMPAS

Nishiji Gallery and Office / KOMPAS - Exterior Photography, OfficesNishiji Gallery and Office / KOMPAS - Interior Photography, OfficesNishiji Gallery and Office / KOMPAS - Interior Photography, Offices, Beam, Table, ChairNishiji Gallery and Office / KOMPAS - Interior Photography, Offices, Stairs, Facade, Beam, HandrailNishiji Gallery and Office / KOMPAS - More Images+ 37

  • Architects: KOMPAS
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  585
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Studio Akane Moriyama

Triple Stilt House / Archidance

Triple Stilt House / Archidance - Interior Photography, House Interiors, Table, ChairTriple Stilt House / Archidance - Interior Photography, House Interiors, StairsTriple Stilt House / Archidance - House InteriorsTriple Stilt House / Archidance - Interior Photography, House Interiors, Facade, DoorTriple Stilt House / Archidance - More Images+ 17

  • Architects: Archidance
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  152
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Acor, IOC Flooring, Lixil Corporation, Panasonic, Toto, +1

Amanenomori Nursery School / Aisaka Architects’ Atelier

Amanenomori Nursery School  / Aisaka Architects’ Atelier - Day Care, Facade, Stairs, HandrailAmanenomori Nursery School  / Aisaka Architects’ Atelier - Day Care, Stairs, Facade, Handrail, FenceAmanenomori Nursery School  / Aisaka Architects’ Atelier - Day Care, Deck, Facade, Handrail, Fence, Balcony, Arch, LightingAmanenomori Nursery School  / Aisaka Architects’ Atelier - Day Care, Garden, Handrail, FacadeAmanenomori Nursery School  / Aisaka Architects’ Atelier - More Images+ 17

Funabashi, Japan

Share House Funabashi / KASA Architects

Share House Funabashi / KASA Architects - Renovation, Bathroom, Door, Beam, SinkShare House Funabashi / KASA Architects - Renovation, Lighting, ChairShare House Funabashi / KASA Architects - Renovation, Kitchen, Beam, Lighting, Table, CountertopShare House Funabashi / KASA Architects - Renovation, Table, ChairShare House Funabashi / KASA Architects - More Images+ 17

Bath Kitchen House / Takeshi Shikauchi Architect Office

Bath Kitchen House / Takeshi Shikauchi Architect Office - Apartment Interiors, Kitchen, Beam, Facade, TableBath Kitchen House / Takeshi Shikauchi Architect Office - Apartment Interiors, Kitchen, Door, Facade, Bathtub, Chair, CountertopBath Kitchen House / Takeshi Shikauchi Architect Office - Apartment Interiors, TableBath Kitchen House / Takeshi Shikauchi Architect Office - Apartment Interiors, Kitchen, Beam, Facade, Handrail, Table, ChairBath Kitchen House / Takeshi Shikauchi Architect Office - More Images+ 9

Hair Do / Ryo Matsui Architects

Hair Do / Ryo Matsui Architects - Services , Beam, Chair, Lighting, TableHair Do / Ryo Matsui Architects - Services , Beam, ChairHair Do / Ryo Matsui Architects - Services , Door, Table, ChairHair Do / Ryo Matsui Architects - Services , Door, TableHair Do / Ryo Matsui Architects - More Images+ 10

Funabashi, Japan

DURAS ambient Funabashi / Sinato

DURAS ambient Funabashi / Sinato - Retail , ChairDURAS ambient Funabashi / Sinato - Retail , ColumnDURAS ambient Funabashi / Sinato - Retail , FacadeDURAS ambient Funabashi / Sinato - Retail , ColumnDURAS ambient Funabashi / Sinato - More Images+ 4

Funabashi, Japan
  • Architects: Sinato
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  116
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2008