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Froscen Architects: The Latest Architecture and News

Froscen Architects Unveils Sustainable Micro-Houses to be Built on WWII Phone Bunker

Dutch firm Froscen Architects has unveiled FOON HOUSE(S), a tiny house concept in Leiden, the Netherlands. To be built on a former communications bunker from World War II in the middle of the city, the design focuses on the adaptive reuse of a small concrete complex overgrown with ivy.

The project will consist of four separate micro-houses on top of the bunker, each with a floor space of about 38 square meters, and equipped with necessary facilities.

Froscen Architects Unveils Sustainable Micro-Houses to be Built on WWII Phone Bunker  - Image 1 of 4Froscen Architects Unveils Sustainable Micro-Houses to be Built on WWII Phone Bunker  - Image 2 of 4Froscen Architects Unveils Sustainable Micro-Houses to be Built on WWII Phone Bunker  - Image 3 of 4Froscen Architects Unveils Sustainable Micro-Houses to be Built on WWII Phone Bunker  - Image 4 of 4Froscen Architects Unveils Sustainable Micro-Houses to be Built on WWII Phone Bunker  - More Images+ 5