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French Riviera: The Latest Architecture and News

Eileen Grey's Controversial E-1027 Villa is Restored and Open to the Public

Association Cap Moderne have announced that the restoration of Eileen Gray’s modernist villa E-1027, along with other projects on the Cap Moderne site, such as Le Corbusier’s Cabanon and Unités de Camping, and l’Etoile de Mer restaurant, have been completed and are now open to visitors. The site is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is considered as one of the must-see places to discover in the region, welcoming more than 10,000 visitors a year.

Eileen Grey's Controversial E-1027 Villa is Restored and Open to the Public  - Image 1 of 4Eileen Grey's Controversial E-1027 Villa is Restored and Open to the Public  - Image 2 of 4Eileen Grey's Controversial E-1027 Villa is Restored and Open to the Public  - Image 3 of 4Eileen Grey's Controversial E-1027 Villa is Restored and Open to the Public  - Image 4 of 4Eileen Grey's Controversial E-1027 Villa is Restored and Open to the Public  - More Images+ 4

Eileen Gray's Restored E1027 Opens to the Public

The controversial renovation of Eileen Gray's E1027 on the Côte d’Azur is complete. Once a "lost legend of 20th-century architecture," the quaint holiday home has been brought back to life and is now open to the public. Announcing the news, The Guardian author Rowan Moore has recounted the cliffside project's turbulent past, reciting its significance as Gray's first architectural project.