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Frederikssund: The Latest Architecture and News

Henning Larsen Wins Competition for Future Vinge Train Station in Denmark

Henning Larsen Architects, in collaboration with an international team consisting of Tredje Natur, MOE and Railway Procurement Agency, has won Frederikssund municipality’s architecture competition to design a regional train station and new quarter in the future town of Vinge. While primarily serving to connect Vinge to the regional public transit system, the undulating, circular urban hub is designed to prevent the railway from dividing the town in two halves.

“The proposal best connects the train station, nature and town structure as one united whole,” lauded the selection committee regarding Henning Larsen’s winning scheme. 

Henning Larsen Wins Competition for Future Vinge Train Station in Denmark - Train StationHenning Larsen Wins Competition for Future Vinge Train Station in Denmark - Train StationHenning Larsen Wins Competition for Future Vinge Train Station in Denmark - Train StationHenning Larsen Wins Competition for Future Vinge Train Station in Denmark - Train StationHenning Larsen Wins Competition for Future Vinge Train Station in Denmark - More Images