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Frank Stella: The Latest Architecture and News

Pier Vittorio Aureli to Exhibit 30 'Non-Compositional' Drawings in London

Pier Vittorio Aureli's collection of thirty 'non-compositional' drawings, exhibited as part of a series entitled The Marriage of Reason and Squalor, will open at London's Betts Project architecture gallery tomorrow (8th October 2014). The drawings, in development since 2001, are part of an ongoing investigation into "what, in the absence of a better definition, Aureli has described as ‘non-compositional architecture’." This term, referring to the work of art historian Yve-Alain Bois who was himself prompted by the ambitions of the constructivist artist Alexander Rodchenko, is used to describe works that "aspire to the abandonment of composition and even the self of the artist." This will be Aureli's second recent exhibition in London following Dogma: 11 Projects, which was presented at London's Architectural Association in 2013.

Pier Vittorio Aureli to Exhibit 30 'Non-Compositional' Drawings in London - Image 1 of 4Pier Vittorio Aureli to Exhibit 30 'Non-Compositional' Drawings in London - Image 2 of 4Pier Vittorio Aureli to Exhibit 30 'Non-Compositional' Drawings in London - Image 3 of 4Pier Vittorio Aureli to Exhibit 30 'Non-Compositional' Drawings in London - Image 4 of 4Pier Vittorio Aureli to Exhibit 30 'Non-Compositional' Drawings in London - More Images+ 1